There are three statuses that an invoice can be. These are:

Normal        An invoice in it's default state. Invoices will automatically appear as Normal.        

Disputed         Occasionally a debtor may dispute an invoice. If this occurs, time is needed to settle the dispute and take any necessary actions to correct an incorrect value.

Review        Where the normal automatic processes for collecting fees have failed and special attention needs to be made of the debt. These types of invoices will need their status changed to Review.

You can change the status of an invoice to reflect it's current situation. To do this load up the debtor contact card, click on the debtor tab and click on Invoices. Click on the item and expand the allocated transactions drop down. Icons will appear along the bottom of the screen. Click on the Toggle status Icon.

Click on the icon once to change the status to Disputed, click it again to change the status to Review. Save.