The next tab is the communication tab. Here you can set up how the system sends emails. 

From and Reply Emails - these are the email addresses that emails are dispatched from, and the email address that customers respond to. 

Users Default To Business Email - if this is ticked, when a user sends an email from the system, it will show as being sent from the From Email. If left unticked, the system will use the email address on the user's contact record. 

Enquiry Tel No - this number will be displayed on the email templates. 

Twitter Feed - if you want to add your organisation's twitter handle to the email footer, enter it here. 

Email Colours You can change the colours that are displayed on the standard email templates using the below fields. The default colour is transparent/ white. 

Override Standard Email Template Highlight Colour - This will be the colour of the footer of the email. 

Override Standard Email Template Fore Colour - This is the colour of the background colour of the email. 

Std Email Template Image 1 URL: You can add your own images to your email templates. This is the field for the image along the top of the image. 

Std Email Template Image 2 URL: You can add an additional image here and the system will cycle through them, adding them to your emails.