
Here is a list of reports all under the Dashboard that you may find useful for Financial Management.

Direct Billing

Debtors - Direct Debit List                                Lists debtors with outstanding debt and not marked to pay manually. The list shows details of their DD.

Invoice Listing                                                 Lists details of all invoice lines.

Invoice Outstanding List                                        List outstanding invoices.

Invoice Pending Direct Billed Tuition Invoices                List all Direct Billed Tuition records requiring an invoice. For Services who bill Termly 

Invoice Pending Group Membership Invoices                Invoice Pending Group Membership Invoices. For Services who bill Termly 

Invoice Pending Pupil Hire Invoices                         List all pupil hires requiring an invoice. For Services who bill Termly 

Indirect Billing

Invoice listing - School invoices                                List School invoices.

Invoice Summary - Schools                                Summary invoice values for School Invoices. 

School Billing - Delivery Time Detailed                      Proposed School billing based on diary entries. For Services who are billing mid term.

School Billing - Delivery Time Summary                   Proposed School billing based on diary entries. For Services who are billing mid term.

School Billing - Indirect Direct Billed Pupils                   List the proposed charges for individual pupils paid for by schools. For Services who use the School Application process and bill either mid or end of term.

School Billing - Scheduled Time                                 List all indirect school billing for the academic year. 

School Billing - Subsidy Recharge                        Proposed recharge for Subsidy provided to parents. 

Teacher Billing

Teacher Pay - Approval                                        Within the Business Management menu. This is a list of claims that have been submitted.

Teacher Pay - Processed                                        Within the Business Management menu. This is a list of claims that have been approved

Teacher list diary results and pupil attendance        A report to show you the lessons that teachers have delivered, and the register marks they have or have not entered.        

Invoice listing - School invoices                                List School invoices.

Invoice Summary - Schools                                Summary invoice values for School Invoices.