Managing the Local Cache
To allow Xperios to work offline and also to provide a local high speed data source when querying the database the software maintains a local cache of data. This is held in a secure SQLite database.
When connecting to a database for the first time the system will create the local cache database and pull down a set of data. This data is then kept in sync with the main database via a synchronisation process which runs in the background. When creating a local database the user is asked for a four digit PIN to be used to gain access to the database should they use Xperios while not connected to the internet and therefore unable to authenticate themselves via their login.
The local database can be deleted at any time and the system will create a new one the next time it runs and connects to a database. There is also an option on the main user menu called “Reset Data Cache”. This will delete the local database and start the process of recreating from the main database.
If Xperios goes offline it will automatically switch to Read Only mode and continue to allow the user to access their data from the local cached database. If an internet is not available when a user starts Xperios they are asked for the PIN number which they define when first connecting to the database.
The default location for this is in the users local AppData folder:
When running on a virtual environment or where the amount of free disk space on the C: drive is limited this location can be changed by setting a valid in the Xperios configuration file. This file is called Paritor.Xperios.json and can be found in the software installation folder. The file is a standard Json formatted file containing tokens and values. The following is an example
/* Configuration File
Possible Values
Version : Schema Version number
DataFolderDirectory : Specify the folder to be used for the local data cache
e.g. "DataFolderDirectory": "C:/ProgramData/{username}"
"version": "1",
"DataFolderDirectory": ""
To change the location for the local cache enter the desired folder as the value for the token “DataFolderDirectory”
For example:
/* Configuration File
Possible Values
Version : Schema Version number
DataFolderDirectory : Specify the folder to be used for the local data cache
e.g. "DataFolderDirectory": "C:/ProgramData/{username}"
"version": "1",
"DataFolderDirectory": "C:/ProgramData"
It’s important to note that the local cache database is not shareable between users and therefore a location specific to a user must be specified. You can add a substation tag of “Username” to the path and the system will replace it with the current users name.
/* Configuration File
Possible Values
Version : Schema Version number
DataFolderDirectory : Specify the folder to be used for the local data cache
e.g. "DataFolderDirectory": "C:/ProgramData/{username}"
"version": "1",
"DataFolderDirectory": "C:/ProgramData/{username}"